Through my page you may learn about the principles of babywearing, different kinds of carriers, wraps and slings, contact me to book an individual lesson, sign up for the next Sling Meet, and choose to rent a sling from my Sling Library. Soon you will also be able to shop online for baby wraps and carriers in the first babywearing shop in Cyprus! Find out about the benefits of baby massage as well and see where you can learn this beautiful art. Keep calm and cuddle your baby!

What is babywearing?
Babywearing is an act of wearing or carrying a baby in a wrap, …

Infant massage
Infant Massage is an old art practiced for centuries in many …

Coming soon
PreviousHow many colic outbursts, how many teething episodes, how many feverish days, how many cranky evenings when they refuse to surrender to sleep have been miraculously solved the same minute we have put the babies in the wrap/sling? And what a bliss to have the babies all snugged up on you, feeling his/her/their little heart) beat, smell their hair and skin while in the security and warmth of the sling
BARBARAmum of twins
Being a new mom of twins I needed a way to handle both babies while being home alone. Using a wrap changed significantly my ability to handle the situation and put things under control. Gosia gave us a one on one home tutorial on the use of wraps and slings and did not leave until she made sure we could use these with confidence by ourselves. She made sure of that with a follow up message reminding all the important things of our tutorial. Great approach, wonderful person!
Mariamum of twins
In our family, babywearing is not a trend or something we do because it's cool or when out on a relaxed day. Babywearing for us is a way of life, a reflex, much like an instinct, something so natural and beautiful I wish it never stops. My husband and I have been wearing our twins in wraps and slings from birth almost and we still do so on a daily basis because we are always on the go, doing a lot of things at once, travelling/hiking regularly and we just love having our little ones on us in all occasions. And they love it too. How many colic outbursts, how many teething episodes, how many feverish days, how many cranky evenings when they refuse to surrender to sleep have been miraculously solved the same minute we have put the baby in the wrap/sling? And what a bliss to have the baby all snuggled up on you, feeling his/her little heart beat, smell their hair and skin while in the security and warmth of the sling... Gosia, thank you from the deepest of our hearth for introducing us to the magical world of babywearing and making our parenting experience even more perfect!
Barbaramum of twins
Frequently Asked Questions
What sling is best for a newborn?
Based on the knowledge we have about the newborn’s spine and muscular system, the best position for him in a sling is upright, with legs bended to 90 degrees and out of the carrier, and the head supported by the upper edge of the sling.
Will I not spoil my baby by wearing them?
Babies are born with a genetically programmed set of expectations and needs, and they are not limited to eating and warmth. The need of being physically close to the adult, in fact – the need to be carried - is natural to human babies and as strong and as important as the other, more commonly recognized needs.
When can I begin massaging my baby?
Introducing touch can be started soon after birth, as the sense of touch is the first sense to develop in womb. Start with skin-to-skin care, which involves placing your baby on your chest to facilitate close contact between you and your baby.